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Lopes Ventures expertize is in marketing, sales, innovation, business and strategy. Find all the different ways I can help you grow. From idea generation to contemporary marketing and growth acceleration.

My expertise can be broken down to 3 parts, business creation, modern marketing and business growth. Below it is possible to find comprehensive but not exhaustive list of mine and Lopes Ventures expertise. Still, I have an extensive network of partners who can assist with areas not explicitly listed here.

Business creation expertise - Lopes Ventures

Business creation

I will help you go from 0 to 1. Build your product or service from the ground up. From idea generation to sellable product or service.

  • Idea generation
  • Lean startup methodology
  • Business model canvas
  • Market analysis
  • Market research
  • Product development & technology dilemmas
  • Prototyping
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Business models
  • Pricing
  • Pitch

Modern marketing

Transfrom your marketing into a money machine.

  • Market research
  • Marketing strategy
  • Marketing plan
  • Digital marketing
    • SEO
    • SEM/PPC
    • Social media marketing
    • Email marketing
  • Content plan
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Marketing technology
  • Marketing automation
  • Event management
  • Data-driven marketing (analytics and conversion rate optimization)
A person analyzing data and making projections to the future
Business growth expertise - Lopes Ventures

Business growth

Get help going from 1 to n. I'll help you take your working product and replicate it, make it more efficient and scale to become accessible to a broader audience.

  • Strategy
  • Branding & brand building
  • Customer centricity
  • Customer journey
  • Market expansion
  • Sales and marketing alignment
  • Revenue growth
  • Offering development
  • Business innovation and development
  • Dizitalization & IoT
  • Strategic moves (partnership, M&A)

Interested in learning more?

Would you like to get a better understanding on a specific topic? Or how this can be applied to your case and company?

Book a free consultation for us to get to know each other better and assess if and how we can work together.